- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 09 Abril 2012
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 09 Abril 2012
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 10 Abril 2012
DM Easy Quote is the new way to get a complete product/service configurator on your website. Your users will be able to get an instant quote using a multi-step and Ajax/jQuery interface, designed to be SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE. DM Easy Quote supports conditional steps (for example, asking details about the "e-commerce" only if the customer chose an e-commerce website) and multiple questions on each step. The administration panel is designed to be simple to configure, and our Support Team is always ready to help you out on your first steps....
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 10 Abril 2012
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 28 Dezembro 2011
The Persian Joomla Community is proud to announce Joomla Day Iran. Joomla Day Iran will be held on April 12, 2012 in Mashhad. This is a ideal opportunity for the Persian Joomla community to come together & meet some of the Joomla experts and Joomla Farsi moderators. This event will include speakings, presentations and workshops, with a wide variety of topics. And the most knowledgeable speakers. We have a special speaker through Skype- conference from the Joomla team, and Mohsen Firoozmandan (member of Joomla translation team and leader of JoomlaFarsi team). For further details about the speakers & the schedule,...Read more http://community.joomla.org/events/joomla-days/1532-joomladay-iran-2012.html
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 29 Janeiro 2012
Join us for the fourth annual Joomla Day New England, held on March 31, 2012, from 9 AM to 5 PM at the Marlboro College Graduate School in Brattleboro, Vermont. Once again, we'll feature a great mix of speakers from our local user group, as well as well-known Joomla speakers based in the US. We'll be focusing on Joomla 2.5, mobile for Joomla, and great ways to extend and market your Joomla site. Some quick facts about our sixteen speakers: One is an OSM board member One is a Production Leadership Team...Read more http://community.joomla.org/events/joomla-days/1544-joomladay-new-england-usa.html
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 28 Fevereiro 2012
Come join us at the first edition Joomla!Day Brazil Edition Ribeirão Preto, to be held on 11th and 12th May 2012 at the University of Ribeirão Preto - UNAERP. There will be several topics addressed in this first edition in the presence of recognized people between the Brazilian and international Joomla community. We will have talks focused on security, site optimization for search engines, templates and development. Presentation of success cases using the Joomla! CMS, and two "hands on" workshops were we will offer a greater interaction between the participants and the workshop instructors. And, if you are a basic user...Read more http://community.joomla.org/events/joomla-days/1555-joomladay-brasil-ribeirao-preto.html
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 28 Fevereiro 2012
English version below Joomla! Algérie, la Joomla! User Group ALGERIA association algérienne des utilisateurs de joomla annonce la tenu du Joomla!Day Alger au Cyber-Parc de Sidi Abdellah Joomla! Day Alger se tiendra le 18 et 19 Avril 2012 a partir de 8h30 à 17h30 o 25 au pole technologique CYber-Parc deSidi Abdellah. Il s'agit d'une occasion idéale pour la communauté Algérienne , et pour les utilisateurs de Joomla de se réunir et de rencontrer les adeptes et experts de Joomla!. Cette fois nous allons présenter des conférences avec des experts et des ateliers en continu afin que la communauté puisse...Read more http://community.joomla.org/events/joomla-days/1556-joomladay-algier.html
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 29 Março 2012
The Joomla! Community in The Netherlands and Belgium eagerly awaits the seventh Dutch Joomla!Days event at Woudschoten Hotel & Conference Centre in Zeist, The Netherlands. The event will be held on Saturday, April 21st and Sunday, April 22nd 2012. We expect a new visitors record with over 350 people attending the Dutch Joomla!Days. The attendees will be able to gain knowledge and inspiration about a wide variety of Joomla and Joomla related topics, on several levels. We will offer 46 sessions by 31 (inter)national speakers in total. Our international speakers for this edition are: Andrea Tarr (PLT), Angie Radtke, Brian...Read more http://community.joomla.org/events/joomla-days/1563-joomladay-the-netherlands.html
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 01 Abril 2012
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 01 Abril 2012
Read more http://magazine.joomla.org/issues/Issue-Apr-2012/item/736-Leadership-Highlights-from-March-2012
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 01 Abril 2012
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 01 Abril 2012
Read more http://magazine.joomla.org/issues/Issue-Apr-2012/item/709-Check-username-availability-with-Ajax
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 01 Abril 2012
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 01 Abril 2012
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 01 Abril 2012
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 01 Abril 2012
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 01 Abril 2012
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 01 Abril 2012
Read more http://magazine.joomla.org/issues/Issue-Apr-2012/item/716-Joomla-Versions-and-Updates-Explained
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 01 Abril 2012
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 01 Abril 2012
Read more http://magazine.joomla.org/issues/Issue-Apr-2012/item/735-New-from-Joomla-Press-Joomla-Programming
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 01 Abril 2012
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 09 Abril 2012
The GPL MissionControl Joomla Administrator template has been updated to version 2.5 and contains many bug fixes and a slew of new features....Read more http://feeds.joomla.org/~r/JoomlaConnect/~3/js0n8CAvFRU/1431-missioncontrol-admin-template-v25-j25-released
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 09 Abril 2012
??????:...Read more http://feeds.joomla.org/~r/JoomlaConnect/~3/H8rdfrx-zpE/1688-prokuratura-sumskoji-oblasti
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 09 Abril 2012
The VirtueMart team wish happy eastern. Some days ago, a small security issue appeared. As far as we know no one got trouble due it, anyway we fixed it. The issues create possibilities for vandalism and data griefing, then actually hacking your store. Therefore...Read more http://feeds.joomla.org/~r/JoomlaConnect/~3/In9CM4_Fz7c/417-happy-easter-new-virtuemart-204-released-security-update-sqli
- Category: Joomla feed
- Created: 09 Abril 2012
Die Erweiterungen (oder einzelne davon) von nonumber.nl kennen sicher viele. Nun sind die Preise und Lizenz-Modelle angepasst worden, welches auf vielen Joomla-Projekten Anlass zur Diskussion gibt. Dabei geht es nicht um die Frage ob bezahlt werden soll oder nicht - die Mehrheit ist sich einig, dass ein Entwickler für seine Arbeit auch Geld verlangen darf/soll. Es geht um die Situation, dass......Read more http://feeds.joomla.org/~r/JoomlaConnect/~3/EWW5H_5rM94/256-neues-lizenzmodell-der-erweiterungen-von-nonumber